About Us

a family of believers in jesus christ

LIFELINE GLOBAL MINISTRIES is a family of believers in Jesus Christ, firmly committed to the truths of God’s Word. Through mutual respect, we aim to introduce many to the life-changing truths of the Gospel in a friendly and homely atmosphere – No pressure, no hidden agenda, just one friend of to another sharing the love of Jesus Christ.

Our ultimate goal is to lead and support others in “LIVING THE CHRIST LIFE” and to be used by God to meet the spiritual, emotional, physical and economic needs of our friends locally and globally, including you and your loved ones!

If you are not a Believer, we want to introduce you to Jesus, who fulfils all His promises and remains faithful.  We want to walk hand in hand with you towards becoming a “born again”, child of God, demonstrating the love, forgiveness and power that can be yours in Christ Jesus.

COME AND WORSHIP WITH US and become a part of the Lifeline Global Ministries family!

If you need a friend, if you need a family, if you need a church, if you need a Pastor – come and be a part of the Lifeline Global Ministries family!

Ways to Give

via PayPal

Thank you for helping us to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and touch the lives of others in our community. All donations welcome!

Direct Bank Transfer

Make donations or pay your regular tithes and offering directly to the Church's bank account using the details below. Please contact us if assistance is required.

Lifeline Global Ministries
Sort code: 30-92-16
Acc no: 59719368

In-Person Giving

Cash donations are also welcome. Envelopes are provided at our in-person church services.

Sunday Worship Service: 10:30am - 13:30pm
Thursday Prayer Meeting: 6:30 - 8:30pm
Venue: Blackthorn Community Centre, Northampton